PowerLab is a research group in Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in METU, Ankara. The group is also affiliated with ODTÜ-GÜNAM, RÜZGEM and ROMER. The main research areas of the group are:
Power Lab seeks motivated graduate and undergraduate students that would like to work in power systems, power electronics and electric machines area. For more information please contact one of the team members.
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SUİT 1004 P7 projesindeki çalışmalar Tübitak yerinde izleme heyetiyle paylaşıldı.
November 2024Jay Senthil, Ph.D and Gregory Mahlum from Siemens conducted a seminar about "Inverter Based Resources" on November 15th.
October 2024Fatih Erden has attented to IEEE IGST Europe 2024 conference and presented his pape Parameter Error Identification for Type-4 Wind Turbine Models using Neural Networks r in Dubrovnik, Croatia
October 2024Özgür Arda Küçükaslan has attented to IEEE IGST Europe 2024 conference and presented his paper Preprocessing Distribution Network Topology for Improved Performance of Network Reconfiguration in Dubrovnik, Croatia
September 2024Pomega Enerji Depolama Teknolojileri A.Ş. has donated a 10kWh battery storage system to the PowerLab.